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A Game-Changer: How Trigr Elevated Rise Media's Production Workflow


Increased Efficiency

Streamlined workflows cut project completion times and minimised scheduling conflicts

Enhanced Creativity

Freed up creatives with time savings from automated tasks, leading to higher-quality work

22% Annual Cost Savings

Real-time budget tracking and improved resource allocation reduced errors and optimised spending

Scalable Operations

Improved coordination and project management allowed Rise Media to handle more work effectively
Marketing Services for Real Estate
Top Challenges
Managing External Vendors
Workflow Inconsistencies
Manual Task Management
Inefficient Budget Management
Key Features
Workflow Management Tools
Resource Allocation Tools
Intuitive Interface
Special Viewer Permissions
Real-Time Budget Tracking
Task Automation
# of Users

Introduction to

Rise Media

Rise Media is a high-quality video production company that specializes in the real estate sector. Rise Media was founded by Gerard and Melissa Lynch in 2017 and today caters to an elite clientele of luxury real estate firms including Sotheby’s and Corcoran Group.

Rise Media's challenge was to maintain and streamline complex operations while ensuring the delivery of premium content. Chief Operating Officer Anthony DeGrotta joined Rise Media in 2021 to leverage his real estate experience and enhance the visual appeal and marketability of their clientele’s properties.

Focusing on creating premium video and photo content, Anthony works with an internal team of project coordinators and external team of designers, copywriters, and video and photography specialists, across approximately 30 projects at any time. Under his leadership, Rise Media has become a trusted name for elite clientele seeking top-tier real estate marketing solutions.

Challenges Before trigr

Despite its success, Rise Media faced significant operational challenges that impacted its efficiency and scalability:

Workflow Inconsistencies

The absence of a unified system led to inefficiencies and miscommunications, causing project delays and errors. The manual management of tasks via Excel and the need for a centralised document repository caused misunderstandings and time allocation errors for the company, ultimately leading to project delays. This setup was ineffective in supporting a collaborative workflow and caused scheduling to be frequently overlooked.

There was no single system to consolidate all our information. We were using an Excel spreadsheet, which was a very cumbersome way to manage things. It relied heavily on manual input, making it prone to errors and easy for someone to update incorrectly

Budget Management

Manual management of budget and project costs was prone to errors. This resulted in allocation challenges and wasted opportunities and time, which translated to revenue losses.

Rise Media were unable to determine in real-time whether they were staying on track or exceeding their project budget. This gap in their financial management process hindered their ability to make timely adjustments. Implementing a more integrated system became crucial for achieving better financial control and project management efficiency.

Our systems were reactive, only allowing us to see the costs and margins after the job was done. We couldn't compare the budgeted amount to the actual expenses in real-time to determine if we were on track or going over budget

Challenges with External Vendors

Managing external or third-party vendors, including freelancers, posed significant operational difficulties for Rise Media. The company faced challenges in efficiently outsourcing work, tracking the progress of external contributors and monitoring their costs and expenses.

Side conversations with external vendors on chat and email often led to team misalignment and slowed down production and delivery. This, combined with the company’s vendor needs regularly fluctuating, led to the team investing excessive time manually generating workload reports and planning timelines.

There was a lack of time management. Now tracking how long [vendors] spend on a job, how much we pay them, the budget allocated for the job, and the actual amount paid is completely simplified with trigr
“We were looking for a simple project management software… And then we understood what the capacity of trigr is”

– Anthony DeGrotta, Chief Operating Officer


Transforming Media Project Execution: Rise Media's Success with trigr 

Adopting trigr provided Rise Media with a comprehensive solution designed to meet the dynamic needs of media production, particularly enhancing coordination and budget management.

Rise Media had considered other work management tools but opted for Trigr because the platform is specifically designed for the workflows and structures of media production, and because of the personalised customer support offered by the Trigr team.

We looked into Asana and Monday, but you’re not dealing with programmers or owners who understand your specific needs. What I liked about Trigr is that it put us on the same level as the big players and they genuinely listened to our goals

Enhanced Coordination and Efficiency 

Implementing trigr redefined how the Rise Media team managed their projects -

  • Flexible Resource Management: Implementing trigr provided the flexibility to adjust staffing based on workload. This, in turn, enabled Rise Media to effectively compare the costs of freelancers versus salaried employees on a project-by-project basis.
By reviewing our quarterly, biannual, and annual trends, we can identify when we need to switch staffing strategies... Using Trigr, we can monitor this closely by comparing the cost of freelancers to salaried employees and making adjustments to maintain a tight budget
  • Real-Time Project Updates minimised delays and boosted overall team productivity. For example, relevant team members are notified when a dependent task is completed, updated, or reaches a critical deadline, ensuring that they can take appropriate action on subsequent tasks. The platform also allows for file versioning that tracks and manages multiple versions of a file over time. This allows users to access, revert to, and compare previous versions of a file, ensuring that changes can be monitored, and errors can be corrected by restoring an earlier version if needed..

Secured and Streamlined Financial Operations 

As Rise Media’s projects grew in complexity and scale, they realised that the optimal scenario was a unified platform that enabled the simultaneous management of team workflows and project budgets.

  • Smart Budget Tracking: Trigr transformed how Rise Media handled their project-based financial operations and allocation, enabling the team to monitor costs closely, optimize their budget, and make necessary adjustments. Each project's budget is monitored in real-time, allowing for immediate adjustments to manage costs effectively.
Beyond the budget management of individual projects, we also lacked an overview of revenue and budget across all projects. We needed easy access to our consolidated project margins per month, per quarter… which our previous set-up did not easily allow for
  • View Restrictions: The management of team workflows increasingly needed to account for external team members and vendors. This necessitated a platform capable of handling complex viewer permissions to ensure that the right stakeholders had appropriate access to information without compromising security or confidentiality. Critical in maintaining confidentiality, trigr’s viewer restrictions feature controls access to sensitive information and ensured that external teams or vendors had access only to financial data relevant to them.

Empowering Creative Freedom 

  • Time Efficiency: Trigr's automation of routine administrative tasks has significantly freed up the Rise Media team, giving them back moretime to focus on creative endeavors and building relationships with both existing and new customers.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Trigr features an intuitive design tailored specifically for the media production workforce. Easy navigation and visual-first layouts simplify project management and enable the Rise Media team to engage more deeply with their creative work without getting distracted by administrative processes.
GIF showcasing trigr's financial management software operating page with Team, Projects, Deliverables, Suppliers, and Finances sections.
“I have been charged to scale Rise Media. Using Trigr enables us to achieve this goal, shifting focus from cumbersome book-keeping to revenue generation"

– Anthony DeGrotta, Chief Operating Officer

Post Integration Benefits

By transitioning to a comprehensive platform that combined workflow and budget management, Rise Media significantly improved their operational efficiency. This change enabled better communication, more precise budget tracking, and a cohesive approach to project management. It allowed the company to maintain its high standards of quality while scaling up operations and adapting to the demands of their elite clientele:

Increased Efficiency

The adoption of trigr transformed Rise Media’s project management processes. By streamlining workflows, the platform enabled better decision-making and reduced the time required to complete projects. This was particularly evident in how quickly resources could be reallocated in response to changing project requirements and unforeseen challenges. The enhanced coordination facilitated by trigr’s comprehensive features reduced the frequency and impact of scheduling conflicts, ensuring that projects moved from concept to completion faster and more smoothly than ever before.

Cost Savings

With trigr, Rise Media gained a more robust oversight of project budgets and expenditures. The platform's real-time budget tracking capabilities allowed for immediate identification and correction of budget discrepancies, significantly reducing the occurrence of costly errors.Additionally, the improved project tracking and resource allocation helped avoid unnecessary spending and optimise the use of available resources. This not only cut down on direct costs but also minimised the opportunity costs associated with project delays and mismanagement, leading to more predictable budgeting and financial planning.

Quantifiable Improvements for Rise Media with trigr

  • 30% increase in project margins
  • 22% annual cost savings
 A GIF that compares the traditional media project management method with trigr's integrated and organized approach.

trigr as a Catalyst for Media Business Transformation

For Rise Media, Trigr has been more than just a software solution; it has been a transformative force. By enabling a 30% increase in margins and a 22% annual cost savings, trigr empowered Rise Media to scale operations, manage finances with precision, and deliver exceptional quality to its clients. The integration of trigr into Rise Media’s workflow underscores the platform’s effectiveness in turning operational challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation in the competitive media production industry.

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